Query Metrics

11 Database Queries
8 Different statements
1.84 ms Query time
1 Invalid entities


Group similar statements

default connection

# Time Info
1 0.18 ms
SELECT AS id_0, b0_.ip AS ip_1, b0_.created_at AS created_at_2 FROM black_ip b0_ WHERE b0_.ip = ?
2 0.22 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.meta_block AS meta_block_2, t0.title AS title_3, t0.first_block AS first_block_4, t0.second_block AS second_block_5, t0.third_block AS third_block_6, t0.fourth_block AS fourth_block_7, t0.fifth_block AS fifth_block_8, t0.sixth_block AS sixth_block_9, t0.footer AS footer_10, t0.location AS location_11, t0.language AS language_12 FROM page_homepage t0 WHERE t0.language = ? LIMIT 1
3 0.22 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.url_path AS url_path_2, t0.title AS title_3, t0.text AS text_4, t0.is_enable AS is_enable_5, t0.meta_keywords AS meta_keywords_6, t0.meta_description AS meta_description_7, t0.language AS language_8 FROM article_blog t0 WHERE t0.is_enable = ? AND t0.language = ?
4 0.18 ms
SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, s0_.identificator AS identificator_2, s0_.value AS value_3 FROM settings s0_
5 0.13 ms
SELECT COUNT(*) AS dctrn_count FROM (SELECT DISTINCT id_11 FROM (SELECT f0_.username AS username_0, f0_.username_canonical AS username_canonical_1, AS email_2, f0_.email_canonical AS email_canonical_3, f0_.enabled AS enabled_4, f0_.salt AS salt_5, f0_.password AS password_6, f0_.last_login AS last_login_7, f0_.confirmation_token AS confirmation_token_8, f0_.password_requested_at AS password_requested_at_9, f0_.roles AS roles_10, AS id_11, f0_.full_name AS full_name_12, AS phone_13, f0_.address AS address_14, AS zip_15, AS company_16, f0_.web_site AS web_site_17, AS city_18, AS country_19, f0_.balance AS balance_20, f0_.affiliation_tariff AS affiliation_tariff_21, f0_.notification_settings AS notification_settings_22, f0_.created_at AS created_at_23, f0_.updated_at AS updated_at_24, f0_.attempts AS attempts_25, f0_.day_of_birth AS day_of_birth_26, f0_.connected AS connected_27, f0_.spending AS spending_28, f0_.contract_accepted AS contract_accepted_29, f0_.last_payment_date AS last_payment_date_30, f0_.amount_last_payment AS amount_last_payment_31, f0_.project_hidden_editor AS project_hidden_editor_32, f0_.discount_rate AS discount_rate_33, f0_.bonus_projects AS bonus_projects_34, f0_.contract_drafting_accepted AS contract_drafting_accepted_35, f0_.vat_number AS vat_number_36, f0_.trusted AS trusted_37, f0_.copy_writer_rate AS copy_writer_rate_38, f0_.avatar AS avatar_39, f0_.words_per_day AS words_per_day_40, f0_.is_show_affiliation AS is_show_affiliation_41, f0_.locale AS locale_42, f0_.work_language AS work_language_43, f0_.ip AS ip_44, f0_.show_credit AS show_credit_45, AS credit_46, f0_.default_blog_writer AS default_blog_writer_47, f0_.show_terms AS show_terms_48, f0_.terms_at AS terms_at_49, f0_.vat_editor AS vat_editor_50, f0_.show_id AS show_id_51, f0_.automatic_acceptance AS automatic_acceptance_52, f0_.add_times AS add_times_53, f0_.show_website AS show_website_54, f0_.indexation_checkbox AS indexation_checkbox_55, f0_.proposals_api_key AS proposals_api_key_56, f0_.key_exchange_url AS key_exchange_url_57, f0_.key_exchange_price AS key_exchange_price_58, f0_.extend_api_key AS extend_api_key_59, f0_.note AS note_60, f0_.wire_transfer AS wire_transfer_61, f0_.external_id AS external_id_62, f0_.deleted_at AS deleted_at_63 FROM fos_user f0_ WHERE (f0_.roles LIKE '%\"ROLE_WEBMASTER\"%') ORDER BY f0_.full_name ASC) dctrn_result) dctrn_table
6 0.24 ms
SELECT COUNT( AS sclr_0 FROM exchange_site e0_
7 0.19 ms
SELECT COUNT( AS sclr_0 FROM directory d0_
8 0.09 ms
SELECT s0_.value AS value_0 FROM settings s0_ WHERE s0_.identificator = 'price_on_homepage'
9 0.16 ms
SELECT AS id_0, b0_.ip AS ip_1, b0_.created_at AS created_at_2 FROM black_ip b0_ WHERE b0_.ip = ?
10 0.13 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.meta_block AS meta_block_2, t0.title AS title_3, t0.first_block AS first_block_4, t0.second_block AS second_block_5, t0.third_block AS third_block_6, t0.fourth_block AS fourth_block_7, t0.fifth_block AS fifth_block_8, t0.sixth_block AS sixth_block_9, t0.footer AS footer_10, t0.location AS location_11, t0.language AS language_12 FROM page_homepage t0 WHERE t0.language = ? LIMIT 1
11 0.09 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.meta_block AS meta_block_2, t0.title AS title_3, t0.first_block AS first_block_4, t0.second_block AS second_block_5, t0.third_block AS third_block_6, t0.fourth_block AS fourth_block_7, t0.fifth_block AS fifth_block_8, t0.sixth_block AS sixth_block_9, t0.footer AS footer_10, t0.location AS location_11, t0.language AS language_12 FROM page_homepage t0 WHERE t0.language = ? LIMIT 1

release connection

No database queries were performed.

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection
release doctrine.dbal.release_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager
release doctrine.orm.release_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

Second Level Cache is not enabled.

Entities Mapping

default entity manager

Class Mapping errors
CoreBundle\Entity\BlackIp No errors.
CoreBundle\Entity\Page\Homepage No errors.
CoreBundle\Entity\Settings No errors.
CoreBundle\Entity\ArticleBlog No errors.
FOS\UserBundle\Model\User No errors.
CoreBundle\Entity\User No errors.
CoreBundle\Entity\LanguageSettings No errors.
CoreBundle\Entity\ExchangeSite No errors.
CoreBundle\Entity\Directory No errors.
CoreBundle\Entity\Transaction No errors.
CoreBundle\Entity\Comission No errors.
CoreBundle\Entity\ExchangeProposition No errors.
CoreBundle\Entity\CopywritingProject No errors.
CoreBundle\Entity\CopywritingOrder No errors.
CoreBundle\Entity\UserPaymentData No errors.
CoreBundle\Entity\UserSetting No errors.
CoreBundle\Entity\SiteFavorites No errors.
CoreBundle\Entity\DirectoriesList No errors.
CoreBundle\Entity\ExchangeSiteTtfCategory No errors.
CoreBundle\Entity\Category No errors.
CoreBundle\Entity\Rubric No errors.
CoreBundle\Entity\Anchor No errors.
CoreBundle\Entity\Similarweb No errors.
  • The field CoreBundle\Entity\Pack#orders is on the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified mappedBy association on the target-entity CoreBundle\Entity\PackOrder#pack does not contain the required 'inversedBy="orders"' attribute.
CoreBundle\Entity\Site No errors.
CoreBundle\Entity\DirectoryTtfCategory No errors.
CoreBundle\Entity\ScheduleTask No errors.

release entity manager

No loaded entities.