How do I sell sponsored articles?

To sell a sponsored article, go to the “Sales” tab in your dashboard and then click “My Websites”. In the top right corner, click on the “Add new” button and fill in the form following these steps:


Step 1: General information

In this step, you will need to indicate the following information:

·        The language

·        The URL of the site/blog on which the articles will be published

·        How much you wish to charge per publication: remember that the more affordable you make it, the more likely you are to receive more offers so try to set a fair price.

·        Your site/blog’s category: you can choose a maximum of two.

·        The keywords (maximum 3) to describe your website.

·        The type of anchors allowed. Depending on your objectives and requirements, you can choose to accept only unoptimized anchors, semi-optimized anchors or optimized anchors.

Once you’ve filled in all the fields, you can click the “Next” button to move on to the next step.


Step 2: Publication rules

As indicated, this step will allow you to define the publication rules by setting:

·        The minimum number of words that the article must contain;

·        The maximum number of links that should be indicated in the article. In the case of additional links to external sources, make sure to tick the box just below the "Maximum number of links" field.

If you want a meta-title and a meta-description to be written, don’t forget to tick the corresponding boxes. Once done, indicate the number of H2 and H3 the article published on your site should contain.

Do you want sections of the article to be italicized and/or bolded? Do you want the most important parts to appear as quotes to catch the user’s attention? If the answer to all of these questions is yes, don’t forget to select the "Yes" option for:

•         Bold text;

•         Quoted text;

•         Italic text.

Of course if the answer is “No” you can select the appropriate option for that too. The process is the same is you would like a list of bullet points (UL tag) in the article. You can then indicate the minimum and maximum number of images that article should contain. Then click “Next” to move on to the last step.


Step 3: Accepting the rules

To validate the form, you must accept Ereferer’s rules of publication. In addition to the rules listed, you can also specify your own publishing rules in the empty field at the bottom of the page. As soon as it's done, finally click on "Save" to complete the process.