How do I create a copywriting project?

Do you want to optimize the visibility of your website or blog? Would you like to have quality SEO articles written by professional and experienced writers? If so, then the new version of the Ereferer copywriting and netlinking platform will suit your needs. To benefit from the services of this platform, however, it is essential to first create a project according to your expectations. Here are the steps to follow to easily create a new project on this ergonomic platform.


Connecting to the platform


To be able to create a new project on Ereferer, you will need to log in. If you don’t already have an account, you can do so by filling the form that appears when you click “Sign Up”. To log in, fill in the blank fields on the homepage with your email and password and click the button. You will be directed to the dashboard.

Create a copywriting project on Ereferer

Once logged in, click on the “Copywriting” tab you see in the left menu and several options will appear. Select “Create a project” and then the “Create new” button to unfold the following fields:

·        Project title

·        Project description

·        Number of articles

·        Number of words

·        The site on which you wish the article to be published on

·        Language

Once all fields have been filled, you can click on the “Next step” button. In this step, you will select what type of writer you need for this project. If you don’t want any added fees, you won’t need to make a selection. Your article will thus be written by the first writer available (normal, top or best). Otherwise, you can choose between:

·        Your favorite writers

·        The Top writers (those with over 90% of likes on their articles)

·        The Best writers (those with over 95% of likes on their articles)

Additional fees may apply depending on your selection. Moving on to the next step, you can indicate in the relevant fields: the title for your article as well as various instructions. If you would like a meta description, meta title and/or an H1, don’t forget to tick the corresponding boxes. You can also indicate how many H2 and H3 you would like to have in your article.

Moreover, you can select whether or not you want bold, italic and/or quoted text as well as a list with bullet points. You can also specify if the writer should include some keywords or images and how many. Once you’re done, all you need to do is click “Confirm” to validate the creation of the project.